Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Good bye 2007. Hello 2008!

Well, I was thinking about the past year and the things that have been accomplished. It's good to go over your accomplishments as the year ends. Gives ya a sense of satisfaction. So here's our list:

Arrow Steve had a career change.
Arrow We got a new van.
Arrow We made some new friends.
Arrow We painted the dining room.
Arrow We got mom's entire house painted.
Arrow I had a successful surgery.
Arrow I started this blog for my writing hobby.
Arrow I distanced myself from people who drain me.
Arrow I reached several work related goals.

And now for 2008! We have some pretty big milestones coming up in the great '08:

Arrow 2008 will see a graduation in the Chaffy house and my second born going off to college. It's feels like just yesterday he was a baby and this year he will be 18 and off on his own at college.

Arrow 2008 will see my oldest turning of legal age....the big 21. That feels totally insane.

Arrow 2008 will see my youngest baby starting high school....HIGH SCHOOL! What?????????? How can that be??

Arrow 2008 will see a new Sam's Club finally opening with my husband continuing in his new job, so well deserved and a change that he really wanted.

So here's to the new year!! May she be happy and healthy for all my family and friends!

Happy new year, all!

See ya next time! :o)

1 comment:

Tink said...

I hope this year will be a happy, safe and fulfilling one for you Chaffy.